Sunday, October 16, 2011

Do you know the way you move Jesus?

Do you know the way that you move Jesus?
Do you understand the immense love that he has for us?
Do you understand the Grace we have received? That we are no longer under the laws of sin but of Love and Grace?
To be thankful of everything that God has done for us, we must really and truly understand how short we have fallen of his perfect plan for our lives! That we have missed the mark..
It isn't that we want a savior but it is that we NEED a savior. That is something that is crucial to understand.

The ways that we move Jesus in his love for us! Ah! He smiles looking at us. He smiles to pursue us. It's like this.. and I want to be careful of how I say it. It probably is going to be a duh moment like I already knew that.. haha But anyway I was thinking about it last night. It's like this. Jesus didn't die for our sins. (The motivation wasn't to die for our sins.) It was to die so we can be with him. When I type it it is so obvious again. For some reason.. its just deeper in my mind maybe. (I will just go with that ;)

But how great is the Love for us?
Completely unimaginable. We cannot comprehend the just unending love that he has for us.
The Love of Christ is MOST powerful force in the universe.

Nothing can come between it and us.
Romans 8:38 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

You cannot escape God's love ... you can only deny it and ignore it. Every single person on the planet. His love is all encompassing. It surrounds you. It is the air. It is as great at the highest height and small as the lowest low.

It is so great that it can be defined as everything.. and as nothing. Because we can't even grasp what nothing is!

The concept of nothing is just as powerful as the concept of everything. Try and think about what nothing is!!! What like the gaps between space? Gaps between the air molecules or atoms or whatever the heck I am breathing in!

Nothing .. NOTHING can separate you from the Love of God!
You can only deny his presence.
Because it is all around you.
Its up to us to aknowledge it. The more you speak about God and testify with one another and talk about him and get in the word. The more you see him move. You tap into the spirit and see what is going on divinely around you.. too often we focus on the physical of the world and we completely miss what is going on in the spirtitual relm.

Just get into the word more. God has placed an incredible description of himself and his majesty in front of us. It's called the Holy Bible. :)
We should read it more and more and feed on it. That should be our inspiration.. daily, to seek his face and KNOW Jesus.

There is so so so much. The word of the Lord is flawless. Just ask to look upon the face of Jesus. Pick a verse and meditate on it. Sit on it for a while and pull as many truths out of it that you can.

Do we know the way we move Jesus? What does he think when he looks at us. Even though our love is weak to him it is so pleasing. Do we know the things that we cause Jesus to do!? He is always with us.. longing for us just to turn to him.. just for a second. That he could feel that small glimpse of our love shooting up to him. He is just waiting and sucking it in once we do.
Jesus came and died for you to look at him!!
Jesus came for me and died for me .. a wretched sinful person .. because he just wanted to experience and feel my love for him.
Let me not ever hold any affections over him. Above him. Anything worldy should be below my hearts and minds desire of God.
Psalm 16:2 "I said to the Lord, 'You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.'"
I have NOTHING good apart from Jesus.
good.. not great.. i don't even have one thing that is good.
seek Gods love! Seek his face! Listen to the song "Do you know the way you move me?" by Cory Asbury. That is Jesus singing to us.
And what else.. Listen to "One Thing Remains" Jesus Culture. DO IT.
Powerful songs conveying only a glimpse of Jesus's love for you.

That we would earnestly seek your face God! That our hearts longings would be to "know this love that surpasses knowledge."

That's all.

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