Sunday, October 21, 2012

Incline your ear to the sound of Heaven.


We are drawn to it. The Lord has created us to worship. Isn't it evident in our culture though? Everyone is worshiping something or someone. It is so true. Look at what you spend your time doing? You worship something.

Let's be honest we worship all kinds of things. I think we need to more properly examine idols in our lives and not be so quick to laugh at the stories in the bible.
We look at the story of the Golden Calf and easily can wonder how in the world the people could so quickly forget about worshiping the God of the ages, the God who had delievered them out of Egypt. Split the Red Sea, provided mana from heaven, and allowed water to spring out of rocks. This God.. the only one worthy of worship was quickly put aside and was replaced with a calf formed out of metal.

We worship, facebook, computers, beauty, cars, sports, books, magazines, etc. You name it.. but think about it. We feel like we can some how justify that it is different than a Golden Calf..

a golden calf seems just out there. and weird .. like they couldn't find anything better to worship?

But if you strip down the things we worship in our society.. it is much more similiar than we realize.
Facebook? Computer? that is metal. with some weird form of connection in space haha i don't even know.
Magazines? paper and a bunch of lies. (now when i say magazine I am not talking about you are in the place of .. you actually like the people and want to catch up on the hottest trends and who is engaged to who. I am not referring to "those" people who actually care about it. I mean even if you just find entertainment in it. Like to see how foolish people are.) I believe that is just feeding a greater evil. Put it down. Meditate on whatever is holy, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely. forget the junk .. don't glorify it even for your "entertainments" sake. Dear Lord same thing with the television.
Do not watch stupid shows to entertain yourself. I think we all are aware enough to realize that we don't actually like or agree with most of the shows on t.v. We just watch it because it is fun to see how dumb people are.

stop it. Don't continue to worship them. When we enable the media to continue to profit off of wickedness and immorality we are in agreement with it!

This tangent is all leading to a point i promise. It comes back to worship. We see the life of a celebrity. More often than not. It will end in disaster. Simply because of one reason.

Humans cannot be worshipped.
God is the only one who can handle being worshiped. (please excuse my grammar.. i don't care about right now.. worshiped worshipped.. who cares.)

God is the only one .. who has a capacity to be worshiped.
Humans will fail. We cannot handle it.
It goes to our head.. and you are setting someone up for distruction by setting them on a pedalstool equal or higher than God.

Anyway.. I look at the America and because of the abundant resources and comfort that we possess we can be passionate about ANYTHING. There is nothing holding us back.
I think it is an example of our raw desire. "If we could have anything in the world what would it be? If we could find delight in anything in the world.. what would it be?"

In the United States we have been able to ask ourselves those questions with no limit to the answer. Anything you want.. your delight can be created.

I firmly believe that we (overall as a society) have decided music is the most important thing to us. Or most of us. The coolest, most admired, lusted after, and coveted people in our society are Musicians.

I am making a statement.. maybe it is a generalization. I might be completely wrong. But overall. (IN THIS GENERATION) I believe it is music that people delight in than anything else.
There are many styles and genres as there are people. Whatever you taste in music is. Chances are you can log onto itunes and find it.

So here is my point.

How do we reach Generation? How do we display the Love of Christ to people in such a way that they grab hold of it and want to know the Lord? I think one major way we can do this is through the place of Music.

Music is clearly a part of everyones life. And for good reason! It was created. (yes! created!) By God, and For God. created. placed inside of you.. a longing to sing. a longing to express yourself. It is God Given!!

Now think about this. I am not trying to be legalistic here. Bare with me.

If music was created for the sole purpose of worship then I believe we would stand in agreement that not all of the Music that is being sung, rapped about, screamo-ed about, is all glorifying the Lord. But that music too, (if we stand in agreement that music was created for the purpose of worship) infact is worshiping the enemy.

Just a little bible history for you.
Lucifer was the head angel of worship .. he got prideful wanted to be worshiped.

God (big awesome baller God) was like uhm not up in here. I walk on fire and control all of the universe. there is again.. NO ROOM for anyone or anything else to be worshiped. THE GREAT I AM . THE LORD. BEGINNING AND THE END ALPHA AND THE OMEGA. I am to be worshiped.

you, lucifer, whom I created, you are not to even be thought of worshiped. In fact, you cannot even handle being worshiped. it will lead to pride and destroy you. (seeing the similarity here?)
We can look at the Character of the Lord. Good, gracious, holy, and set apart. He knows that his glory cannot be shared. its too great. it would only corrupt someone if they couldn't handle it.

Kinda reminds me of a part of Lord of the rings when that girl elf like freaks our on frodo? remember with the pool of water? she is like i CANNOT take the ring. 

That elf queen knew that she already had power. If she had anymore then she would be overtaken with it.

Goodness this is why these blogs are so long is cause i start talking about lord of the rings.. ugh

okay so i hope i have conveyed this properly.

God is the only one who can be worshipped because anyone else who is will be corrupted by it.

So again back to music being created to worship god. Lucifer.. was thrown down from heaven.. he is the devil if you didn't know.
and he is still determined to be worshipped.
and guess what.
He is being worshipped.
There is absolutely music that is being poured into hell.. i believe it. He is being worshipped. in a sick twisted.. and failed copy of God way.

Again im not saying burn all your music. Just be aware.. are you glorfying the Lord or something else.

Now here is the exciting part!

I was created to worship!!! So as followers of Christ this is what we do. We live lives of worship unto the Lord. I have the most to sing about, as a follower of Christ. I have the most to sing about!

I have been saved. I have eternal life.

And the Lord is so holy and worthy beyond comprehension.. that all i can do before him is worship.
it is proper of me to do so.

I believe and want to see a group of young people so consumed with the Lord that intimacy abounds in their hearts and minds. I want to see out of the place of sitting at Jesus's feet we hear HIS heart for his people. For his children who are distant from him.

He wants to call them home it is evident.
Now as followers of Christ this is our Job. to help, content for a generation in the place of pray and ministry to bring his children home. So we have talents.. different talents that have been given to us by God. Music. it is one of those talents that we do not want to stand before the Lord and say oops sorry i buried it!

What if we could hear the sounds of Heaven!? Oh what if we could hear the songs being sung in the holy room.. wow. in the courts of the Lord. I can only imagine the noises and harmonies that are being sung up there! out of this world.

We need to hear Gods voice and heart for his people. Would we acknowledge what the place of worship is? We BRING heaven to earth in the place of worship.

WE join with the angels! Something much larger than ourselves. We are literally doing the same thing in the place of worship that is happening in heaven. RIGHT NOW. Anytime you stop and sing to the Lord you are doing something heavenly!!

There are elders 24/7 saying holy, holy, holy, holy,
bowing down before the Lord and looking back up and receiveing NEW revelation of who God is.

They see new Glory every single time they look up.
do NOT think you will be bored in heaven. it is going to be revelation after revelation of who the Lord is.

compare it to this. you are in love with your .. spouse. oh this is great. i love comparing things of heaven and putting them on earthly standards.

okay so i am going to put it this way.
It would be like me, looking at my husband, and EVERY single time I see him, i see another incredible feature about him. Another muscle, another facial expression, and it is always good! Always a good feature. I would be falling more and more in love with him every second. its like every time i turn around DANG you are looking better and better!

okay grasp that feeling too.. the butterflies.. the melting feeling. times A MILLION KAZILLION.
the Lord is an unknowable God. yet he is knowable in a small capacity. and we have eternity to learn and find out about it.

So now that you understand it will be constant revelation of the Lords splendor, majesty and goodness.. DONT YOU THINK.. hahah
don't you just begin to say to youself.. oh if we could only hear the praises in heaven and bring them to earth.

I want my generation, my peers, my friends, my loved ones to know the God i serve. I WANT AND EVEN DEMAND THAT STEREOTYPES of my BELOVED Jesus would be BROKEN and that people would being to see him for who he TRULY is.

That they would see him with unveiled eyes. .. eyes that have been enlightened by the power of the Holy Spirit.. to grasp how wide and high and deep is the love of christ.

this God who went to hell and back to save our souls. literally.
This is the God I serve. know him.

I want to hear the sounds of heaven and bring them to earth. to draw his children in.

Be inspired.
incline you ear to hear the sounds of angels.

Learn to hear his heart for his people. For such a time as this you are hear.

Sing to him! Sing to your God! Sing to your creator. He is longing to hear your creative voice.

I even prophecy right now. That new heavenly inspired songs will consume our generation and that we would usher a generation of people into the holy courts of the lord.

isn't that an incredible thing. WE HAVE BEEN CHOSEN FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.

sing to your lover.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Power of the Gospel

I believe we are in a time where we must begin to live our lives completely dependant on the Holy Spirit.

God has given us the gift of the spirit. We need to see the fullness of it.
Laying our hands on the sick and they are healed.
Opening the eyes of the blind.
Giving prophetic words to people we have just met.

It is time that the gospel once again becomes accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Not just words that are spoken out, but partnered with action.

For the longest time I was thinking that when we share the Gospel it was just us going to others and sharing the Word of the Lord. That is so so important. But the Gospel was also made up of actions.
Jesus HEALED the sick.. did not just speak of the sick being healed. He did it.
He did not just talk of the blinded eyes being opened, he opened them!

We need to be a people led by the Spirit. Listening to the Lord to guide our actions and steps. We have got to start looking different than the world. I believe the way we can best do this is love radically, and without limits. Bless the people around you. We must be marked by The Spirit of God.

We need surrender all to the Lord so he can do as he pleases.

I want to see the power of the resurrection. See the sick be healed, the captives set free, and a generation of people who have EXPERIENCED the abundant goodness of the Lord.

Only good things come from Him. He is good in all things. There is nothing good, apart from Him.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Prepare your Bride

I was made to gaze, all of my days, to gaze on beauty.
I want to see the Beauty of the Lord. The beauty of my Beloved.

I cannot begin to describe the wonder and awe of the Lord, my Jesus.
He is the grandest obsession we can have. It is so wonderful, to fall deeply in love with him. It is the best thing you can ever do.

Not the best thing you can ever do. It is the most important relationship you will ever be in. Your relationship with Jesus Christ defines everything about you. You are consumed with it.. whether you believe it or not. The day you stand before his holy throne is the day you will give an account.

Suddenly everything else you ever pursued in your life besides him.. becomes worthless.. you finally have a deep revelation and sorrow of how much more time you could have spent with him.
However you were too busy seeking success.. popularity.. even "ministry"

If we forget the point of why we are here on earth.. if we forget that its ALL about JESUS, we lose everything.

Paul knew it. He states it bluntly in Philippians!

Philippians 3:8
"What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the SURPASSING GREATNESS of knowing CHRIST JESUS my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ."

Paul understood the Joy of surrender!

When we truly understand.. the greatness of the love of God. When we understand how much the Lord Almighty loves us.. how much Jesus.. our High Priest and intercessor loves us.. suddenly.. everything else in our lives become nothing in comparison to knowing him.

When you are in love.. you go to great lengths to please your loved ones.
Not even please them.. just do little things to make them smile.
I don't think I am explaining this properly.

When you love someone.. going out of your way to do something doesn't even matter to you. Because you love them. It's like.. when your friend or loved one travels miles and miles throughout the night or something to meet you.. its like driving for hours without sleep and then its all worth it because you just get to see their face.

This is what Paul is saying. Suddenly.. laying down your live for Jesus.. becomes nothing! Because you know the reward is Him.

Once we truly understand the greatness of the Love of Christ for us and this wonderful beautiful perfect relationship we are in.. that is when we can begin to follow him whole heartedly.. with our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Okay.. so my point in all of this.. is
I don't even know.

This whole thing is extremely unorganized and that makes me sad.. but I feel like the Lord is preparing all of us for something.

Obviously.. our Nation is in a time of change. I believe that the United States is straying further and further away from the Lord... and something needs to change.

I haven't watched the news in months so I am not talking about anything political necessarily.

We look around and we see that there is a lack of God.
Where people "claim" God is.. His presence isn't truly there.

Many of us call ourselves Christians but fail to follow out that lifestyle very well.

Whatever.. God is on the move .. the end times are near .. and we need to prepare ourselves as the bride of Christ.

Regardless of how soon that is .. it doesn't matter. Jesus will not return to a Bride that is not calling out to him day and night and isn't love sick.
We need to begin to listen to God.. and hear what he is telling us.

My prayer is this.. that you would begin to prepare your Bride! Purify our hearts! Let us begin to walk in pure and holy ways.. sanctify us God. Increase our capacity to love you.. to be longing for you and your return. Things are not okay with how they are! We want to see the kingdom of the Lord come to Earth. Let your Kingdom come and your will be done. Jesus.. we want you. So raise up hearts like Davids and Marys!

God help my heart long after you! After your sweet presence, Jesus, we want to know you better. I want to hear your voice. I am terrified, Jesus, that I don't know you well enough. I don't want to be thrown out with the weeping and gnashing of teeth. I want to be a sheep.. a stupid little sheep that just follows after my Good Shepherd. I am not my own god.. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob! That is the God I want to serve and be obedient to..

So Lord strip us of ourselves.. that we would long to sit in your presence.. that we would have hearts like Davids and Marys.. those who truly see the value of your love! That your love is all we need.. that we lay down our live to know your love and fight to understand the surpassing knowledge of that.

God prepare us to do your work.. that we would be in step with the spirit. Again.. to hear your voice.. like a sheep knows his Shepherds voice.. that we would know you so well Jesus.. that we would only respond to you.. that we wouldn't respond to the voices of this world God. But that your Bride would rise up.. that she would become unified and one! We want to see the Kingdom come to earth.
Give us burdened hearts Lord.. to see the world through your eyes.. so see your children who are so deceived walking in darkness! Oh that they would see the great light!

Jesus that you would break the deception that this world has of you, it breaks my heart Jesus.. that people don't know you like I know you! My Beloved one. Jesus that they do not acknowledge you as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.. or they claim it but don't live it at all!!!
You say Jesus, "if you love me, then obey my commands," Help us.. give us the grace and the holy spirit to obey your commands. We confess lord.. that we are dependent on you and your strength to walk out our salvation. Jesus we need you! We must fill ourselves with you every single day to do anything. If we don't mediate on your love.. then we are lost.. we have nothing. We cry out as Moses did.. God if your presence doesn't go with us.. then we won't go. Don't send us without your spirit.

We can do nothing without you, Jesus. But I want to know you better God. How can the world know Jesus if we who profess ourselves as Christians don't even know him. If we don't know you.. then we can't truly love you.

Open our eyes .. give us the grace to see you for who you really are. Give us further revelation of your Love Lord.. our hearts cry out to you.. make our hearts cry to you. Day and night.. to prepare ourselves for the Return of our Loved one.. the glorious creator.. alpha and omega, king of kings and lord of lords.. everlasting father, prince of peace, wonderful counselor, mighty God.

We need more of you. Show us what that looks like Jesus.. let that truly be the cry of our hearts. To know the love that our beautiful savior has for us.

I ask you to examine your heart. Do you long for Jesus.. to meet with him daily?
It is the MOST important thing you will ever do. Spend time with him. Fall at his feet and love him. He longs for that more than you ever will.

God longs for you .. more than you could ever long for him.
Satisfy Him today by entering into his courts. He is waiting for you. Your beloved is waiting.
Step into your role as a bride anxiously awaiting your bridegroom.
You were made to gaze on beauty.