Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Power of the Gospel

I believe we are in a time where we must begin to live our lives completely dependant on the Holy Spirit.

God has given us the gift of the spirit. We need to see the fullness of it.
Laying our hands on the sick and they are healed.
Opening the eyes of the blind.
Giving prophetic words to people we have just met.

It is time that the gospel once again becomes accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Not just words that are spoken out, but partnered with action.

For the longest time I was thinking that when we share the Gospel it was just us going to others and sharing the Word of the Lord. That is so so important. But the Gospel was also made up of actions.
Jesus HEALED the sick.. did not just speak of the sick being healed. He did it.
He did not just talk of the blinded eyes being opened, he opened them!

We need to be a people led by the Spirit. Listening to the Lord to guide our actions and steps. We have got to start looking different than the world. I believe the way we can best do this is love radically, and without limits. Bless the people around you. We must be marked by The Spirit of God.

We need surrender all to the Lord so he can do as he pleases.

I want to see the power of the resurrection. See the sick be healed, the captives set free, and a generation of people who have EXPERIENCED the abundant goodness of the Lord.

Only good things come from Him. He is good in all things. There is nothing good, apart from Him.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! It is so true and encouraging too! Thank you for speaking God's inspired words. Blessings my dear friend.
