Friday, September 27, 2013

Sharing the Burden of Suffering : Part One

Sharing the Burden of Suffering 

Often in our seasons of suffering when we have a moment to even lift our heads off of ourselves we look up to find others seemingly doing great! They look as though their relationship with The Lord is thriving or that they have it “all figured out.” I am finding that is not so. Chances are, if you were to really dig past the casual “Hi, how are you,” you would find many peoples typical response of “good” is masking a deep sigh somewhere within.

Suffering is not always the case, there are seasons of great success and joy!  There are many seasons of triumph and victory which are essential parts of our walk with the Lord. These peaks create part of the natural undulation found in our walk with our savior; however, today lets discuss the troughs.

Trough :: wasn’t our savior born in one? Haha

He was born in a barn, with animals, I could imagine him being cradled in some rectangular bucket thing that was used to hold water (water trough), dumped out, filled with hay and linens and put down to rest that first night. I don’t know the details but just imagine with me. We as Christians have not been called to a glamorous life! The sooner we learn that the better, and the sooner we learn to embrace the suffering as a gift from God, the sooner we will impact our culture.  Let’s all wipe the fake smile off of our faces and be real. Please. Especially those of us in the younger generation, we have been trained to sniff out what is genuine and authentic and what is counterfeit. So let’s try not to be the obnoxious happy “Kumbaya” singing Christians that we so easily can be. Be genuine, be authentic, it’s attractive. People are drawn to real people. “Jesus grew in favor with God and man”, it doesn’t say Jesus grew in favor with God and his cute Christian bubble friends. He said Man, as in all humanity, that we would be able to connect with all people and influence all people. Be in the world BUT not of it.

What is this Suffering I am talking about? The definition of Suffering is “The state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.” So any time you are feeling that maybe for a few weeks, months, etc. You could probably say you are in a season of suffering. We suffer from the Lord, as he is teaching us and refining us, stripping us of ourselves. Sometimes we undergo suffering because of consequences from our sin. Who knows what the root is or why it is happening but we all experience this season. It is a beautiful season that will produce much fruit if we let it!

I once heard someone say that hurt is hurt. It doesn’t matter how bad it is. It doesn’t matter if someones hurt was “worse” than yours. It causes the same pain. We need to understand that in order to support one another through seasons of suffering. We cannot judge one another when dealing with hurt or pain, we need to extend grace to one another and be patient in working out our suffering. So what do we cling to when we find ourselves in hard times? I have found three things to be true.

We find strength through seasons of suffering in three ways: Jesus, our peers, and elders who have walked through similar trials before.

We have an incredible savior. Jesus, who feels every single feeling we have ever felt. He sees the depth of the brokenness and despair inside of our hearts. He knows. He weeps with us, he mourns with us, and he rejoices with us. Find strength in the Lord! We can have confidence that he sees the struggles that we face on a daily basis. He sees the war waging between our flesh and our spirit! “Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:14-16 We do not have a King, a “ruler” who is unable to empathize. How incredible is this? The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords knows exactly how we are feeling in times of trials, or suffering, or temptation. We have a God who relates to us. 

Recently there was a situation in my life where everything seemed very broken, now maybe I was overreacting, but things from my small perspective were looking pretty bleak. I remember just telling The Lord, “it’s all broken, what are you going to do about it?” I wasn’t challenging God in this question I was genuinely asking him, how is this going to be fixed? The answer I received was not what I expected. Surprise, surprise, The Lord didn’t answer my question the way I thought he would. He simply said to me, I FEEL all the brokenness. I know how you feel. I am with you.

In that moment, The Lord was with me. He always is, but I realized when he is with me, he rejoices when I rejoice, and he mourns when I mourn. (Romans 12:15) I was comforted and The Lord wants to comfort us all. So would you let him? When you feel like breaking down and crying, cry to him! When you feel anger, shout out to God, He will interpret the cries and groans of your heart. In your anger do not sin, turn to the lord and he will refine those feelings, calm your spirit, and teach you His ways.

Now here is the tricky thing about going to Jesus. For a lot of us, that is the last person we want to run to when we have failed. Isn’t it? Don’t worry you aren’t the first one to try and hide your sin and shame from the Lord, humanity has been doing it since Adam and Eve. But seriously don’t we do this often? We mess up and for some reason we feel unworthy to go sit before the Lord all the sudden, when in reality, it’s just because you messed up in a way that feels “more bad” than you usually do, so then we want to hide?

Is this making sense? We categorize our sin, if we would be honest with ourselves there are some sins that we tolerate more frequently than others. Yuck! So because we sin in a way that is “worse” than our normal sin, we act like we aren’t good enough, but that is rooted in pride. It is rooted in pride because we think that for some reason WE and OUR actions allow us to enter the throne of Grace with confidence. When we mess up, all of the sudden we read Hebrews 10:19 “Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a GUILTY conscience..” and we think the blood of Christ was shed for someone else. “That’s great God, but you don’t know what I have done.” “I messed up and I should have known better” “Let me just punish myself from not entering into your presence for a little until I get MY MESS figured out and THEN once I am all put back together I will enter the throne of grace with my OWN confidence.”

Brothers and Sisters this should not be! Haha I feel like Paul saying that.

We have confidence in Jesus when we don’t have confidence in ourselves! That is the point of all this, it’s not about your good works it is about Jesus Christ’s GOOD WORK! The good work he did on the cross! One good work, it was finished. We need to shake off our shame and guilt and come before him as we are, broken, and let him fix us. Learn to have Confidence in the Lord not in yourself!

I want to bring forward an Idea here quickly as well. The high honor it is that we get to suffer with Christ.

Right above the verse Philippians 1:29 Paul is contending for people to conduct their lives in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. That we would be a people who strive together with one faith, and stand firm in The Spirit. That we would be a people without fear when others oppose us. You can read it for yourself. But then it goes on to say “For it has been GRANTED to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to SUFFER for him.” Wow. We are called to suffer for Christ. We have been given (granted) the opportunity to partner in Christ’s suffering advancing His kingdom and gain a marvelous inheritance.

Lord, would you teach us to view suffering from your perspective. That through the seasons of trials and testing we would be able to stand confident in you. Jesus strengthen your people who are called by your name to find joy in seasons of despair. Would you enlighten our understanding to the suffering we go through WITH and FOR you!

(So this was a little encouragement on how to face suffering with the strength of Jesus, but I am going to post more on facing suffering with peers as well as looking to elders who have walked through hard times before to find hope!) 

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